Importing Data

Vulkn provides an automated type inference and data loading interface similar to other BigData tools.

The current, Proof Of Concept, release only supports CSV file loads from the local POSIX filesystem. Exporting is not yet supported. It is also dependant on shell pipelines with cat and clickhouse-client using only a single thread. This will be converted to a multi-processing pure python method in future releases.

Reader Interface

Vulkn has a simple reader interface available under The read object encapsulates a Data Management function that instantiates the format handler with the necessary options. The DataManager then orchestrates retrieving the data and passing it off to the format handler. In the future this will be used to extend ClickHouse / Vulkn to perform pluggable, complex data orchestration and management.

CSV Format'csv').options(**opts)

Available options are:

  • delimiter - the delimiter to use in the CSV file - default ','
  • allow_single_quotes - allow single quoted columns - default True
  • allow_double_quotes - allow double quoted columns - default True
  • unquoted_null_literal_is_null - interpret an unquoted NULL literal (\N) as NULL - default True
  • input_format_defaults_for_omitted_fields - use default values for omitted fields - default False
  • header - input file has headers - default False
  • infer_schema - automatically perform type and schema inference - default False
  • allow_enums - allow type inference to choose Enum types - default False
  • column_format - reformat column names to specified format - default - 'snake_case'
  • overwrite - overwrite the target table if it exists - default False
  • engine - use the specified engine profile/strategy - default Memory()
  • sample_engine - use the specified engine when performing type inference/sampling - default Memory()
  • sample_size - maximum number of rows to sample - default 50000
  • sample_preload - pre-load the entire dataset for sampling. Allows for re-using the input data after inference. Default True
  • schema - the predefined schema to use if type inference is not enabled - default None

load(uri, database, table)

  • Parameters
    • uri - the file URI to load - note that only 'file://' URIs are supported as of this release.
    • database - the target database to load the data to
    • table - the target table to load the data to


  • Load the CSV file elements.csv into the table default.elements, overwriting if required. Use a MergeTree engine with default configuration. Use the CSV header for column names and use type inference to determine the column data types.
    df = (v
        .load('file:///home/ironman/elements.csv', database='default', table='elements'))
    The load operation returns a DataTable object that can immediately be used for queries.
    >>> df.count().s
      row    count()
    -----  ---------
        1        118
    (1 row)
    Display the table schema. Note how LowCardinality and Nullable modifiers have also been determined.
    >>> v.d('elements').s
      row  name                      type                                default_type    default_expression    comment    codec_expression    ttl_expression
    -----  ------------------------  --------------------------------  --------------  --------------------  ---------  ------------------  ----------------
        1  atomic_number             UInt8                                        nan                   nan        nan                 nan               nan
        2  symbol                    LowCardinality(String)                       nan                   nan        nan                 nan               nan
        3  name                      LowCardinality(String)                       nan                   nan        nan                 nan               nan
        4  atomic_mass               LowCardinality(String)                       nan                   nan        nan                 nan               nan
        5  cpk                       LowCardinality(String)                       nan                   nan        nan                 nan               nan
        6  electronic_configuration  LowCardinality(String)                       nan                   nan        nan                 nan               nan
        7  electronegativity         Nullable(Float32)                            nan                   nan        nan                 nan               nan
        8  atomic_radius             LowCardinality(Nullable(String))             nan                   nan        nan                 nan               nan
        9  ion_radius                LowCardinality(Nullable(String))             nan                   nan        nan                 nan               nan
       10  van_der_waals_radius      LowCardinality(Nullable(String))             nan                   nan        nan                 nan               nan
       11  ie_1                      LowCardinality(Nullable(String))             nan                   nan        nan                 nan               nan
       12  ea                        LowCardinality(Nullable(String))             nan                   nan        nan                 nan               nan
       13  standard_state            Nullable(String)                             nan                   nan        nan                 nan               nan
       14  bonding_type              Nullable(String)                             nan                   nan        nan                 nan               nan
       15  melting_point             Nullable(UInt16)                             nan                   nan        nan                 nan               nan
       16  boiling_point             Nullable(UInt16)                             nan                   nan        nan                 nan               nan
       17  density                   LowCardinality(Nullable(String))             nan                   nan        nan                 nan               nan
       18  metal                     String                                       nan                   nan        nan                 nan               nan
       19  year_discovered           LowCardinality(String)                       nan                   nan        nan                 nan               nan
       20  group                     Int8                                         nan                   nan        nan                 nan               nan
       21  period                    UInt8                                        nan                   nan        nan                 nan               nan
    (21 rows)
  • In this example we enable the column 'snake_case' feature and enable Enum detection.
    df = (v
        .load('file:///home/ironman/nyc.csv', database='default', table='nyc_taxi'))
    >>> v.d('nyc_taxi').s
    row  name                type                           default_type    default_expression    comment    codec_expression    ttl_expression
    -----  ------------------  ---------------------------  --------------  --------------------  ---------  ------------------  ----------------
        1  medallion           LowCardinality(String)                  nan                   nan        nan                 nan               nan
        2  hack_license        LowCardinality(String)                  nan                   nan        nan                 nan               nan
        3  vendor_id           Enum8(\'CMT\' = 1)                      nan                   nan        nan                 nan               nan
        4  rate_code           UInt8                                   nan                   nan        nan                 nan               nan
        5  store_and_fwd_flag  Enum8(\'N\' = 1, \'Y\' = 2)             nan                   nan        nan                 nan               nan
        6  pickup_datetime     DateTime                                nan                   nan        nan                 nan               nan
        7  dropoff_datetime    DateTime                                nan                   nan        nan                 nan               nan
        8  passenger_count     UInt8                                   nan                   nan        nan                 nan               nan
        9  trip_time_in_secs   UInt16                                  nan                   nan        nan                 nan               nan
       10  trip_distance       Float32                                 nan                   nan        nan                 nan               nan
       11  pickup_longitude    Float64                                 nan                   nan        nan                 nan               nan
       12  pickup_latitude     Float64                                 nan                   nan        nan                 nan               nan
       13  dropoff_longitude   Float64                                 nan                   nan        nan                 nan               nan
       14  dropoff_latitude    Float64                                 nan                   nan        nan                 nan               nan
       15  tolls_amount        Float32                                 nan                   nan        nan                 nan               nan
       16  tip_amount          Float32                                 nan                   nan        nan                 nan               nan
       17  total_amount        Float32                                 nan                   nan        nan                 nan               nan
       18  mta_tax             Float32                                 nan                   nan        nan                 nan               nan
       19  fare_amount         Float32                                 nan                   nan        nan                 nan               nan
       20  payment_type        Enum8(\'CRD\' = 1)                      nan                   nan        nan                 nan               nan
       21  surcharge           Float32                                 nan                   nan        nan                 nan               nan
    (21 rows)
  • For this example we use a custom configuration for the MergeTree engine.
    df = (v
        .load('file:///home/ironman/Downloads/netflow/nf/nf-chunk1.csv', database='default', table='netflow'))
  • We can also re-use or specify schemas to avoid the inference overhead.
    >>> pprint.pprint(v.getSchema('netflow'))
    [ColumnType('time_seconds', 'Float64', default_kind='nan', default_expression='nan' compression_codec='nan'),
    ColumnType('parsed_date', 'DateTime', default_kind='nan', default_expression='nan' compression_codec='nan'),
    ColumnType('date_time_str', 'LowCardinality(String)', default_kind='nan', default_expression='nan' compression_codec='nan'),
    ColumnType('ip_layer_protocol', 'UInt8', default_kind='nan', default_expression='nan' compression_codec='nan'),
    ColumnType('ip_layer_protocol_code', 'String', default_kind='nan', default_expression='nan' compression_codec='nan'),
    ColumnType('first_seen_src_ip', 'LowCardinality(String)', default_kind='nan', default_expression='nan' compression_codec='nan'),
    ColumnType('first_seen_dest_ip', 'LowCardinality(String)', default_kind='nan', default_expression='nan' compression_codec='nan'),
    ColumnType('first_seen_src_port', 'UInt16', default_kind='nan', default_expression='nan' compression_codec='nan'),
    ColumnType('first_seen_dest_port', 'UInt16', default_kind='nan', default_expression='nan' compression_codec='nan'),
    ColumnType('more_fragments', 'UInt8', default_kind='nan', default_expression='nan' compression_codec='nan'),
    ColumnType('cont_fragments', 'UInt8', default_kind='nan', default_expression='nan' compression_codec='nan'),
    ColumnType('duration_seconds', 'UInt16', default_kind='nan', default_expression='nan' compression_codec='nan'),
    ColumnType('first_seen_src_payloadbytes', 'UInt32', default_kind='nan', default_expression='nan' compression_codec='nan'),
    ColumnType('first_seen_dest_payloadbytes', 'UInt32', default_kind='nan', default_expression='nan' compression_codec='nan'),
    ColumnType('first_seen_src_total_bytes', 'UInt32', default_kind='nan', default_expression='nan' compression_codec='nan'),
    ColumnType('first_seen_dest_total_bytes', 'UInt32', default_kind='nan', default_expression='nan' compression_codec='nan'),
    ColumnType('first_seen_src_packet_count', 'UInt16', default_kind='nan', default_expression='nan' compression_codec='nan'),
    ColumnType('first_seen_dest_packet_count', 'UInt16', default_kind='nan', default_expression='nan' compression_codec='nan'),
    ColumnType('record_force_out', 'UInt8', default_kind='nan', default_expression='nan' compression_codec='nan')]
    df = (v
        .load('file:///home/ironman/Downloads/netflow/nf/nf-chunk1.csv', database='default', table='netflow'))