Query Execution, Parameters and Caching

Working with parameters

All DataTables support parameters through standard ClickHouse parameterized queries embedded in the query string, column expression or variable or data type. Python types are implicitly converted/formatted as required.

>>> df = v.q('select database, name from system.tables where database = {database:String}')
>>> df2 = v.table('system.tables').select(col('{database:String}').alias('datname'), 'name').where('database = {database:String}')

The underlying SQL created by the DataTable can be viewed using show_sql method.

>>> df.show_sql()
'SELECT database, name FROM system.tables WHERE database = {database:String};'
>>> df2.show_sql()
'SELECT {database:String} AS datname, name FROM system.tables WHERE database = {database:String};

You can pass the parameters as key/value pairs to the show_sql method:

>>> df.show_sql(database='system')
"SELECT database, name FROM system.tables WHERE database = 'system';"

Query Execution

Each DataTable type supports an exec method that immediately executes the DataTable. The exec method returns a RecordSet object containing the raw query result. exec can also accept any parameters. This will be rendered into the final SQL before execution.

exec(**params), e

  • Aliases: e
  • Parameters:
    • params - **kwargs style key/value argument
  • Returns: vulkn.recordset.RecordSet
  • Examples:
    df = (v
        .select(col('{database:String}').alias('datname'), 'name')
        .where('database = {database:String}')
    <vulkn.recordset.RecordSet object at 0x7f4af91e8c50>

show(), s

  • Description: Pretty prints a recordset object to the console.
  • Aliases: s
  • Returns: str
  • Examples:

    df = v.table('system.tables').select('database', 'name').where("database = 'system'").limit(1))
      row  datname    name
    -----  ---------  ------------------------------
        1  system     aggregate_function_combinators
    (1 row)

    s can also be called as an attribute

      row  datname    name
    -----  ---------  ------------------------------
        1  system     aggregate_function_combinators
    (1 row)
    If no parameters are specified s can be called on the DataTable object itself.

to_records(), r

  • Description: Executes and returns the DataTable/raw query result as a list of dictionary records. Note this proxies the to_records call through to the underlying RecordSet object.
  • Aliases: r
  • Returns: list of dictionaries/records
  • Example:
    >>> df = (v.table('system.tables').select('database', 'name').where("database = 'system'").limit(3))
    >>> df.exec().to_records()
    [{'database': 'system', 'name': 'aggregate_function_combinators'},
    {'database': 'system', 'name': 'asynchronous_metrics'},
    {'database': 'system', 'name': 'build_options'}]
    >>> df.r
    [{'database': 'system', 'name': 'aggregate_function_combinators'},
    {'database': 'system', 'name': 'asynchronous_metrics'},
    {'database': 'system', 'name': 'build_options'}]

to_pandas(), p

  • Description: Executes and returns the DataTable/raw query result as a Pandas DataFrame. Note this proxies the to_records call through to the underlying RecordSet object.
  • Aliases: p
  • Returns: Pandas DataFrame
  • Example:
    >>> df = (v.table('system.tables').select('database', 'name').where("database = 'system'").limit(3))
    >>> df.e().to_pandas()
    database                            name
    0   system  aggregate_function_combinators
    1   system            asynchronous_metrics
    2   system                   build_options
    >>> df.p
    database                            name
    0   system  aggregate_function_combinators
    1   system            asynchronous_metrics
    2   system                   build_options


DataTables can be cached using a call to cache. Cache will create a temporary/Vulkn managed object stored using the specified engine. To use parameters with cache you must use call params before the cache call. Note that only SelectQueryDataTables support parameterized caching.


  • Parameters
    • **params - a dictionary/**kwargs style key/value list of parameters
  • Description: Sets the parameters of the DataTable for use by a call to cache()
  • Returns: vulkn.datatable.SelectQueryDataTable


Executes the DataTable/query and caches the result on the ClickHouse server. By limiting execution and storage/caching to ClickHouse users can very quickly analyze data and build comprehensive models. All cached data is automatically destroyed at the end of the Vulkn session.

  • Parameters:
    • engine=None - a valid ClickHouse engine object (see vulkn.engines). engines.Memory() if not specified.
  • Description: Sets the parameters of the DataTable for use by a call to cache()
  • Returns: vulkn.datatable.SelectQueryDataTable
  • Examples:
    >>> vulkn.session.log.setLevel('SQL')
    >>> df = v.table('system.tables').select('database', 'name').where("database = {database:String}").limit(3)
    >>> cached_df = df.params({'database': 'system'}).cache()
    2020-01-10 22:24:45,595 - root - SQL - DROP TABLE IF EXISTS vulkn.session_0a7a4cf4727a40d6a801b1dd21bdb320_v_8d8dc7925579b797bf414481a51f82fb;
    2020-01-10 22:24:45,643 - root - SQL - CREATE TABLE vulkn.session_0a7a4cf4727a40d6a801b1dd21bdb320_v_8d8dc7925579b797bf414481a51f82fb ENGINE = Memory() AS SELECT database, name FROM system.tables WHERE database = 'system' LIMIT 3;
    >>> cached_df.s
    2020-01-10 22:24:55,939 - root - SQL - SELECT * FROM vulkn.session_0a7a4cf4727a40d6a801b1dd21bdb320_v_8d8dc7925579b797bf414481a51f82fb;
    row  database    name
    -----  ----------  ------------------------------
        1  system      aggregate_function_combinators
        2  system      asynchronous_metrics
        3  system      build_options
    (3 rows)
    >>> cached_df.show_sql()
    'SELECT * FROM vulkn.session_0a7a4cf4727a40d6a801b1dd21bdb320_v_8d8dc7925579b797bf414481a51f82fb;'
    2020-01-10 22:25:03,296 - root - INFO - Purging cache...
    2020-01-10 22:25:03,314 - root - SQL - DROP TABLE IF EXISTS vulkn.session_0a7a4cf4727a40d6a801b1dd21bdb320;
    2020-01-10 22:25:03,371 - root - SQL - DROP TABLE IF EXISTS vulkn.session_0a7a4cf4727a40d6a801b1dd21bdb320_v_8d8dc7925579b797bf414481a51f82fb;
    Exit code 0
    Logging trace to /tmp/ironman-1755e5f8-7f6c-444b-b2a5-dae94e8f40f9/logs/clickhouse-server.log
    Logging errors to /tmp/ironman-1755e5f8-7f6c-444b-b2a5-dae94e8f40f9/logs/clickhouse-server.err.log
    Include not found: networks
    Include not found: networks